Meet The Leadership Of Calvary Apostolic Church

Presenting Pastor & Mrs. R.G. Little

The shaping of my life…….

I was born to a young couple from completely different backgrounds, yet they would endeavor to build a life and a family together.  Through their own struggles, desires, and hurts, the inevitable was only prolonged. With all that the world had to offer and by the time immorality, legal and illegal drugs, had done their damage, divorce was imminent.  The results were an ending marriage, with both parties contributing to it’s ending. There were to be losses and, if such a thing, gains.

A sibling and I fell on the side of loss. As the only son, it was not only the tragedy of the effects  of the divorce, but also the consequences that a son without a father would have to pay. These tragic events were the shaping of my life through the hardships that I cried over and even the destructive things that I thought were normal.

I did not want to become what I had seen in my parents.

Yet I found my feet in the same footprints to become what I had learned to despise. Coupled with the example of failed parents and  a tragic divorce, I began to mirror the same image and all the sins that it brings. Yet if I blame my parents for my choices, I would never be able to repent. I had to acknowledge I allowed the world to do the same thing to me as it had done to them.  I needed a God that I did not know. Not knowing God, I had only been introduced through the religious prism of others, not only did I feel no deliverance or change to myself, I also did not see any in those around me.

I have scars for a reason.

As Jacob dragged his broken leg in the sand from a wrestling match with an angel, I am sure it was looked upon as a disfigurement or tragedy. Sometimes we are unknowing of the full potential of what God has done to make someone who they are by what seems to be cruelty. I often asked, ”Why, God? Why me? Why my family?” At last I began to understand God’s plan for my life in helping others. This is the reason I have such a strong burden for broken families and the fatherless.  The missing gap can be filled through teaching, compassion, and a burden.

It is my desire to help each family member find their proper place in God, to become happy families and confident individuals.